Author Archives: squealingrat

About squealingrat

Post by Squealing Rat. Find me on Twitter, @squealingrat and check out my latest blog, Looming Tech at

TWiT Prank

On Sunday, March 7th, during the live taping of TWiT, episode 238, Leo Laporte pranked one Twitter account by sending everyone to a random account, @LisaTickledPink and following her. Within 20 minutes, she received more than 2,000 followers. Kevin Rose … Continue reading

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beginner buisness

Ah, Craigslist. The source of all unintended humor. Above is a request for a website. Enjoy.

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9 Free and Great Crowd Sourced Applications [Lost in Technology]

Another day, another post at Lost in Technology, this time featuring 9 Free and Great Crowd Sourced Applications.

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Alec Baldwin in Apple Store, The Cube in NYC

Friday the 19th, I was outside the Apple cube in NY. To my surprise, I turned around to nearly bump into someone who looked quite familiar. Then, in a split second, I realized that the man I had nearly bumped … Continue reading

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How To Manage Your Files Behind a Firewall for Free [Lost in Technology]

Read my latest post at Lost in Technology on How To Manage Your Files Behind a Firewall for Free.

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What’s New

Here’s a quick update: Now the official blogger at This Week in Android Updating post frequency at Lost in Technology to once a week Started new blog, Lone Iguana, that features tricks and tips of deception, trickery and survival

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4 Ways to Throw a Web Site Up Cheaply, Easily and Quickly [Lost in Technology]

My latest article at Lost in Technology, 4 Ways to Throw a Web Site Up Cheaply, Easily and Quickly.

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How To Backup All of Your Holiday Photos for Free Online

Be sure to read my article at Lost in Technology on How To Backup All of Your Holiday Photos for Free Online.

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The Absolute Best and Easiest Way to Get Short Urls on Your Domain For Free

Setting up short urls for your domain for free has never been easy, messing with databases and servers and all of that jazz. While you could pay $100 a year for’s service (much easier), many (including me) find that … Continue reading

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What to do to Prevent Your Computer going on the Fritz

Post by Squealing Rat. Find him on Twitter and check out his latest blog, Looming Tech. OK, when your computer takes five minutes to open a program, it’s probably time to clean it out. This post is more about preventative … Continue reading

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